Título Original: X-Men: Days of Future Past
Título no Brasil: X-Men: Dias de um Futuro Esquecido
Ano de Lançamento: 2014
Trilha Sonora por: John Ottman
01. The Future - Main Titles
02. Time's Up
03. Hope (Xavier's Theme)
04. I Found Them
05. Saigon/Logan Arrives
06. Pentagon Plan/Sneaky Mystique
07. He Lost Everything
08. Springing Erika
09. How Was She
10. All These Voices
11. Paris Pandemonium
12. Contacting Raven
13. Rules of Time
14. Hat Rescue
15. Time's Up (Film Version)
16. The Attack Begins
17. Join Me
18. Do What You Were Made For
19.I Have Faith In You/Goodbyes
20. Welcome Back/End Titles
21. Time in a Bottle (Performed By Jim Groce)
22. The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face (Performed By Roberta Flack)
Tamanho: 165 mb