Título Original: Men in Black III
Título no Brasil: MIB - Homens de Preto 3
Ano de Lançamento: 2012
Trilha Sonora por: Danny Elfman
1. Men In Black 3 Main Titles
2. Spiky Bulba
3. The Set-Up
4. Headquarters
5. Regret
6. Wrong
7. Not Funny
8. Big Trouble
9. Out on a Limb
10. Time Jump
11. Bad Fortune
12. Forget Me Nots
13. Into the Past
14. Griffin Steps Up
15. True Story
16. The Prize-Monocycles
17. Boris Meets Boris
18. Under the Bridge
19. The Mission Begins
20. Mission Accomplished
21. A Close One
22. Men In Black 3 Main Titles Revisited
Tamanho: 118 mb