Título Original: Mission: Impossible 3
Título no Brasil: Missão Impossível 3
Ano de Lançamento: 2006
Trilha Sonora por: Michael Giacchino
01. Mission: Impossible Theme*-Composed by Lalo Schifrin
02. Factory Rescue
03. Evacuation
04. Helluvacopter Chase
05. Special Agent Lindsey Farris
06. Ethan and Julia
07. “Humpty Dumpty Sat On a Wall”
08. Masking Agent
09. Voice Capture
10. “See You In the Sewer”
11. Davian’s Brought In
12. Bridge Battle
13. Davian Gets the Girl
14. IMF Escape
15. Disguise the Limit
16. Shang Way High
17. The Chutist
18. Hunting for Jules
19. World’s Worst Last 4 Minutes To Live
20. Reparations
21. Schifrin and Variations
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