Título Original: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol
Título no Brasil: Missão Impossível - Protocolo Fantasma
Ano de Lançamento: 2011
Trilha Sonora por: Michael Giacchino
01. Give Her My Budapest
02. Light the Fuse
03. Knife to a Gun Fight
04. In Russia, Phone Dials You
05. Kremlin With Anticipation
06. From Russia With Shove
07. Ghost Protocol
08. Railcar Rundown
09. Hendricks' Manifesto
10. A Man, a Plan, a Code, Dubai
11. Love the Glove
12. The Express Elevator
13. Mission Impersonatable
14. Moreau Trouble Than She's Worth
15. Out for a Run
16. Eye of the Wistrom
17. Mood India
18. Mumbai's the Word
19. Launch Is On Hendricks
20. World's Worst Parking Valet
21. Putting the Miss In Mission
22. Mission: Impossible Theme (Out With a Bang Version)
Tamanho: 179 mb